Sunday, October 25, 2009

Johnson's Farm (Year Two)

We visited Johnson's Farm again this year for our pumpkin picking. This year we were much more adventurous, though, and we decided to pick our own after a hayride. Cami was obviously not solid on the idea at first, but then started to enjoy the adventure. We found the perfect small pumpkin for Cami to take into school and enjoyed the beautiful fall weather.

A Visit and a Hairdo from Aunt Jackie

Aunt Jackie always makes us smile around here. She came for a visit this past weekend, and Cami was so excited for her arrival, she ran down the hallway to the front door and jumped into Aunt Jax's arms. I don't know who liked that greeting more: Cami or Aunt Jackie! Then they laughed and played "Hair Salon". They both ended up with some pretty cute dos!

Halloween Preview

Aunt Jax sent Cami and early Halloween package with lots of fun stuff in it! Cami loved every minute of opening the package and playing with all of the goodies inside. Then she found another use for the blow-up pumpkin.

Team Edward (Endoctrination Part Two)

What can I say? The girl has fabulous (her mother's) taste! If you don't read the Twilight books, you have no idea what any of this means....

Future Golfer

Chris continues on his quest to make Cami a golfer. He really has a chance of success too, because not only does she enjoy practicing (in the living room I might add...) but she also has a heck of a swing. Scholarship to Pepperdine University, here we come!!

Cami has been spending a lot of time outside playing with the neighborhood kids. She is almost big enough to keep up with them, too (she is the youngest on the block by almost a year)! Since so many of the kids have cool toys to play with, Chris and I had to make an emergency toy store run so Cami could "hang". We ended up making her the coolest girl on the blog with her pink hog!


The indoctrination of Cami to love all Philadelphia sports teams has officially begun. She now has an Eagles jersey (pink, of course) a Phillies shirt (Howard, naturally) and she will be sporting a Flyers jersey any day now. She is also learning the fight songs. Sing them with pride, My Baby Girl!

Fort Fun

Since we have been rained on some (most) weekends so far this fall, Daddy has come up with a way to entertain Cami. He is the King of Forts. Cami loves playing in his creations and making her Mommy and Daddy sit in them with her.

Lil' Mama and Aunt La La

Aunt La La came in from California to visit Cami a little after her birthday. And, of course in Aunt La La style, she brought way too many gifts! She followed up her 1st birthday gifts (Bitty Baby doll and deluxe crib set) with a high chair and changing table--complete with a diaper bag, wipes and diaper cream. Well this was a huge hit with Cami who very quickly became an adept Lil' Mama. She still spends hours playing with her dolls and changing their diapers.

Fun Family Fall

Fall is well underway, and we here at the Anderson Household have been very busy. It was much easier this year to return to work because Cami was excited to go back to "school". She loves her little friends, her teachers, her "Kicking Flips" gymnastic class, playing on the playground and all of the art activities they do each day. Of course she also enjoys the days she gets to stay home with her beloved "Gazz". That is her loving nickname for her Grandmommy.
We try to have fun each weekend as a family, and I try to get pictures and videos of all of the activities. Here are a few so far from our fun family fall!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Trip to the Zoo

Cami, Chris and I had so much fun at the zoo this week. I hadn't been there for probably 20 years, and it was amazing to see some of those animals up close. I was particularly excited (as you can hear in the video) to see the show the polar bears put on for us. They dove into the water and swam right by us. It was awesome! We also got to see the giraffe, which Cami thought was a funny looking horsey, some peacocks, a huge brown bear, two beautiful tigers, the most gigantic gorilla ever, and some interesting turtle behavior....what a day!

Last Days of Summer

We are trying to squeeze every ounce of fun out of these last days of summer. I can't believe Cami and I both have to go "back to school" in two weeks already....

I had no idea how much she would enjoy running through a sprinkler. This is the first time she has ever done it, and she loved it!


Cami did not shop for all of these things (and neither did her mommy, actually) this is just Cami's new game. She likes to take all of her important belongings (bubbles, bows, brushes and suntan lotion, mostly) and put them in shopping bags--usually one item per bag. Then she places the bags just so and sits in the midst of them all.

Cami does enjoy actual shopping too. In fact if you ask her what she wants to do on any given day, her answer is sure to be, "go shopping??"

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cameron Juliet: Year Three

Cami has entered into the twos with a bang! First we had a trip to the dentist. This was her first visit ever, and considering how much she hates going to the doctor, I think she did well. I prepared her ahead of time, telling her what to expect, and although her first plan didn't pan out quite how she invisioned ("I hide, Mommy"), overall she was a trooper. She has 18 of her 20 teeth and no cavities. She also scored a new green and pink toothbrush which was all very exciting.
The dentist also talked with Cami (and her mommy) about the importance of loosing the binky. I brushed it off--not yet prepared to take away my angel's only vice, but that night Cami and I talked about it again, and surprisingly she seemed to "go for the idea". After all "The Doctor said so, remember?" (You knew I wasn't going to be the bad guy...) I was in disbelief.
So I honkered down ready for a sleepless night and was prepared to battle it out because the "no more bink" plan was already initiated, and I would not, could not, abort now. Guess what happened? She slept like an angel. Then came nap time the next day. There was no way she would go down for a nap without the bink--I was convinced! Guess what? She slept like an angel AGAIN.
So here we are three days in to OPERATION: NO BINKY AT NIGHT NIGHT and we are still on course!! I felt it was only appropriate that the Binky Fairy paid my darling daughter a visit, so tonight before bed Cami hand wrote a letter telling the Binky Fairy what she accomplished and what she wanted in return. The Bink Fairy got off way easy too. That's right--BUBBLES!!! That's all Cami wanted in appreciation of her huge accomplishment! Of course the Binky Fairy was happy to oblige--with some other goodies thrown it too!
It goes without saying I am over-the-moon proud of my big girl!

Did you notice the fairy is actually holding a bink? Sometimes I impress myself....

Monday, August 3, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday, Cami!

August 2, 2009
My Dearest Cameron Juliet,
You woke up today a full-fledged two-year old. You are no longer my little baby, but now a beautiful, smart, strong-willed, funny, loving little girl. I cannot believe how much you have grown this year and all of the accomplishments you have achieved. You were a shining star at your birthday party last night. So gracious and loving. This time last year I did not think I could be any more proud of you. Yet, you continue to make my heart swell with love and pride for you.
There are so many things I adore about you—too many to even try to adequately write about, but here are just some:
I love how smart you are. You know all of your colors, and all of the Sesame Street characters’ names. You surprised me with being able to count to ten all on your own. Where did you learn that?
I love how you made up your own name for milk. You call it “nahgoo” and now we all do too!
I love how affectionate you are. You love to give hugs and kisses to all of your family. In fact your hug is the best around, and it is know as the “Cami hug”.
I love how brave you are. You made me so proud when you started “school” and learned to love it. You made so many little friends and adored your teacher. You were brave and that helped make Mommy’s difficult journey back to work a little easier. You were strong when your mommy was at her weakest. I cannot thank you enough for that. You are an independent little girl, and I love that about you.
I love how your hair gets longer every day, and although it is sometimes a battle, you still let me put in the pigtails that have come to be so unmistakably “Cami”.
I love your facial expressions (trust me, these will get you into trouble later in life) and how your face gets more beautiful every day.
I love your voice. It is the sweetest little girl voice I have ever heard. I love hearing you try new words and sentences—even when they are repeating naughty words mommy should not have slipped and said in front of you!!
I love how good you are. You sleep well every night and never give us a hard time when we put you to bed or down for a nap. I love when you let me “rocky” you, but I secretly think it’s cute when you want your daddy to do it sometimes too.
I love how much you still love your crib. Never have you tried to crawl out of it. If you wake before we do, you simply read a book or hang out. You are never anxious to get out of your bed (that sounds like Daddy!). You will stay in there for hours, and have, just playing with all of your stuffed animals—making them all sit up and watch as you read to them or sing.
I love when you “perform” your favorite songs like, “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” or “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”. I love when you take your bow.
I love how much your daddy loves you. I love when you two get to spend time together on the weekends, going to the golf store or watching “Barney” or “Princess”.
I love how you act out parts of your favorite movie, and I marvel at how you knew just by looking at the DVD box who the “bad guy” was. Where did you learn that, too?
Yes, my Baby Girl, you are nearly perfect in all ways except for your one vice. The Bink. I just don’t have the heart to take it away from you yet. It brings you so much joy, and I am not sure you could sleep without them--that’s right-- you need TWO in your crib with you!! So I think I’ll indulge you for one more year…
Cameron, you are quite simply my sunshine, my joy in life, my heart and my soul. As I often whisper in your ear, I could not possible love you any more than I already do. Happy 2nd birthday!