Sunday, October 25, 2009

Johnson's Farm (Year Two)

We visited Johnson's Farm again this year for our pumpkin picking. This year we were much more adventurous, though, and we decided to pick our own after a hayride. Cami was obviously not solid on the idea at first, but then started to enjoy the adventure. We found the perfect small pumpkin for Cami to take into school and enjoyed the beautiful fall weather.

A Visit and a Hairdo from Aunt Jackie

Aunt Jackie always makes us smile around here. She came for a visit this past weekend, and Cami was so excited for her arrival, she ran down the hallway to the front door and jumped into Aunt Jax's arms. I don't know who liked that greeting more: Cami or Aunt Jackie! Then they laughed and played "Hair Salon". They both ended up with some pretty cute dos!

Halloween Preview

Aunt Jax sent Cami and early Halloween package with lots of fun stuff in it! Cami loved every minute of opening the package and playing with all of the goodies inside. Then she found another use for the blow-up pumpkin.

Team Edward (Endoctrination Part Two)

What can I say? The girl has fabulous (her mother's) taste! If you don't read the Twilight books, you have no idea what any of this means....

Future Golfer

Chris continues on his quest to make Cami a golfer. He really has a chance of success too, because not only does she enjoy practicing (in the living room I might add...) but she also has a heck of a swing. Scholarship to Pepperdine University, here we come!!

Cami has been spending a lot of time outside playing with the neighborhood kids. She is almost big enough to keep up with them, too (she is the youngest on the block by almost a year)! Since so many of the kids have cool toys to play with, Chris and I had to make an emergency toy store run so Cami could "hang". We ended up making her the coolest girl on the blog with her pink hog!


The indoctrination of Cami to love all Philadelphia sports teams has officially begun. She now has an Eagles jersey (pink, of course) a Phillies shirt (Howard, naturally) and she will be sporting a Flyers jersey any day now. She is also learning the fight songs. Sing them with pride, My Baby Girl!

Fort Fun

Since we have been rained on some (most) weekends so far this fall, Daddy has come up with a way to entertain Cami. He is the King of Forts. Cami loves playing in his creations and making her Mommy and Daddy sit in them with her.

Lil' Mama and Aunt La La

Aunt La La came in from California to visit Cami a little after her birthday. And, of course in Aunt La La style, she brought way too many gifts! She followed up her 1st birthday gifts (Bitty Baby doll and deluxe crib set) with a high chair and changing table--complete with a diaper bag, wipes and diaper cream. Well this was a huge hit with Cami who very quickly became an adept Lil' Mama. She still spends hours playing with her dolls and changing their diapers.

Fun Family Fall

Fall is well underway, and we here at the Anderson Household have been very busy. It was much easier this year to return to work because Cami was excited to go back to "school". She loves her little friends, her teachers, her "Kicking Flips" gymnastic class, playing on the playground and all of the art activities they do each day. Of course she also enjoys the days she gets to stay home with her beloved "Gazz". That is her loving nickname for her Grandmommy.
We try to have fun each weekend as a family, and I try to get pictures and videos of all of the activities. Here are a few so far from our fun family fall!