Thursday, April 3, 2008

She's "Walking"

Eight months old, as of yesterday, and already Cami is on the move! Her new favorite thing to do is walk. She either holds on to the furniture or to Mommy's hands and walks all over the house. Her favorite thing is to walk to the tv remote, phone, or Mommy's book. I'm in big trouble when she can move without assistance! Pray for me.


Erin Burns said...

What a star! Maybe it is a LEO thing, like you said...Megan was the same way. And was REALLY walking by 10 months! Looks like Cami will be the same.

Jax said...

Look at her lil' tooshie!!! I wanna scoop her up!!! I miss you guys!!!

Jax said...

P.S. I think I was super old once I finally started to walk...hehehe...I also just learned that I decided to stay in my mom's womb for an extra 2 WEEKS!! That's so funny!! Go, Cami, Go!