Friday, May 9, 2008

Practically a Genius

Okay, so maybe genius is too strong of a word. It did take her over a minute to complete the task, and technically she did need two tries, and she was more interested in the camera than with giving me the cow--but still--she did it!!! Clearly see is going to be a rocket scientist.


Erin Burns said...

Very cute. I love how towards the end you are like "THE COW!" and she kinda shrugs her shoulders like "Mom - chill!"

And sorry Momma - but she is the spittin image of her Daddy!

Jax said...

I LOVED that video!! Your enthusiasm and her cute little faces!! Loved that in one scene towards the end, you could see her little foot is smaller than what I believe to be the sheep. I'm so proud of the lil' genius!!!