Friday, January 22, 2010

Halloween 2009

Cami loved Halloween this year. The festivities started with a costume parade at her school. Last year I had to carry her the entire time. This time she did some of it on her own, and the rest with Mommy, though I didn't have to carry her. She loved walking and waving to all of the people along the parade route. When it was all over she even said, "Again!" She looked adorable in her 50s girl costume--though we battled over wearing the glasses--they just made the costume, I thought!!
I think she understood Trick-or-Treating a lot better this year too. She was very into the whole idea of going to people's houses, knocking on their doors, picking a piece of candy (or two), putting them in her pumpkin, and leaving. She enjoyed each step in the process. She also enjoyed eating some of her candy along the way.
When the Trick-or-Treating was over, Cami was happy to answer the door and hand out candy to all of the neighborhood kids. She would happily tell them, "I've got eyeballs!" (She was in charge of handing out the gum that looked like eyeballs). All in all, it was great fun. Chris even got in a "tough guy" costume complete with a full sleeve of tattoos.
The video of Cami in the parade at school is proof that she is, in fact, my daughter. Can you guess why?

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