Sunday, December 16, 2007

She Has Met The Man

Cami has officially met Santa Claus. We went to the mall on Saturday so that Cami could get a picture with Santa Claus. She was all dressed up in her red velvet Christmas dress, white stockings and black Mary Jane shoes. She looked adorable, and even enjoyed being dressed up! I think she is going to get EVERYTHING she wants for Christmas this year because she is a very good girl, indeed!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Grandmommy and Poppi

Cameron certainly loves her grandparents. As well she should, because they take good care of her. They watch her every Friday night so Mommy and Daddy can have a date night. They also watch her on Mondays so Mommy can food shop. On these days they talk and laugh and sing together. It is darling to watch them get to know and love each other.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

She Has Found Her Thumb!!

I must admit, I have mixed emotions about Cameron's newest discovery. I was a total "thumb sucker" and it was probably singlehandedly the reason I needed braces and a tortorous device known as a "bridge expander" when I was in middle school. Yes, it is in fact as terrible as it sounds. Anyhoo, Cameron now sucks her thumb on occasion, and although I see future years of braces looming in the distance, the bottom line is, she looks so darn cute when she does it!!