Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Cami was a very good girl this year, so Santa (and family and friends) did not disappoint! She was spoiled, to say the least. Here are some pics from Christmas morning. Her favorite toy, by far, was the play kitchen. She enjoys taking the two plates, bowls, cups and silverware and setting them up (correctly, I might add) on the windowsill. She is setting a table for two by the window, I suppose!! Other favorite gifts this year include: a "big girl" tricycle from Grandmommy and Pop-Pop, an art desk, also from Grandmommy and Pop-Pop, a toy vacuum from Nana Kay, Elmo Live from her Godfather Danny and Wendy, Sesame Street Books and a stuffed Big Bird doll from Aunt Laura, and a baby "Palm Pilot" from Aunt Jackie and Uncle Mike. Thank you all for being so generous to Cami!!

Little Helper

Cami was very into the Christmas decorating this year. When we put the tree up, she picked ornaments from the storage box and walked them over to the tree one at a time. It was so cute. She was very proud of the finished product, and claps every time we turn the lights on to the tree. When her daddy went outside on Christmas Eve to line up the luminaries our street does every year, she wanted to help. She is so wise beyond her years.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Big Shoes to Fill/ Take a Bow

This is a double banger!! Two adorable baby tricks for the price of one! Not only does Cami walk around in her mommy's slippers, but she also takes a bow all in the same 53 second video. Motion Picture Magic!

No Fear

My daughter continues to be fearless, God bless her. She did not inherit this trait from me or from her father....but anyway...she has now taken to closing herself into our tiny downstairs bathroom when the lights are off. Once she closes the door and is all alone in the dark, there is no way for her to reach and turn the handle to let herself out. Instead of panic, she giggles as you will hear at the end of the short video demonstration of her new game.

Has It Really Been Two Months??

When I went to blog today I realized it's been TWO WHOLE MONTHS since I have added anything new!!! I am embarrassed and ashamed, frankly. I could blame this on the fact that Cami just doesn't do as many new things now that she is over a year--but that wouldn't be really true. I guess it's further proof that being a working mother is very time consuming!! My apologies to all those who are so faithful to Cami and her milestones!!