Thursday, July 24, 2008

Crazy Mom Club

I am now an official card-carrying member of the "Crazy Mom Club". Here's why: with Cameron's 1st birthday quickly approaching, many friends have asked me, "What is she going to wear?" Although I had a cute summer dress picked out, it suddenly became apparent to me that this dress will not do, and there is clearly only ONE thing that my daughter can wear to her first birthday party: the dress on the invitation. I was so pleased with the cute invitations I found online for the party, and as you can see, there is an adorable hand-drawn party dress on the front. When I mentioned this idea to my husband he thought it was great and asked me where I could buy the dress. Cute. No, unfortunately this dress would not be available in any store, or even on the world wide web. I would have to make the dress. Now this is amusing for several reasons, the biggest of which being, I cannot sew. Deterred, I was not. I called upon my crafty friends and family members and requested they help me, the now crazy mama. Aunt Bridget and Mom were troopers and at this point are quite used to me being a "visionary" without the talent to bring my vision to life (this is where they come in). So to make a long story short (too late, I know) there we were, the three of us, like Fairy Godmothers, creating this dress for our little Cinderella, if you will. I cannot express how happy I am with the result and how thankful I am for Cami's Fairy Godmothers!! The dress is so perfect, and even better than what I had envisioned!

Today, as I was gluing the rick rack onto the bottom of our creation (yes, I said gluing--it was the only way, and yes, I said 'rick rak' too which has to impress some of you that I know what that is and can use it correctly...) I thought to myself that this was only the beginning. There will be many dance costumes, Halloween costumes, school play production costumes and even school projects that I will be helping Cami create over the next 18 years, as I am sure my mom can attest to. I vaguely remember my mother helping me turn a shoebox and a wrapping paper roll into a giraffe once, but I digress...

The point is that I am proud of myself, and my vision. I am proud of the final product. I am proud of Cami's Fairy Godmothers who are the talent behind my visions, and who will be needed in the future, I am sure. And I am proud to be a card-carrying member of the "Crazy Mom's Club"--because my daughter is going to look gorgeous at her first birthday bash!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Not a Baby Anymore

Nothing new to report these days, I am just struck by how grown up she seems to be all of a sudden. I caught her in a moment the other day, watching "Sesame Street" and eating her snack--she drinks from a straw now! It seemed so "little girl" to me--not baby-like. Then I put her in the adorable apple dress donated from our "west coast family" The Burns, and she just looked so darned mature, as she walked, unassisted, all over the house. I love it when I walk into another room, and I hear her little footsteps coming down the hall, and then see her little face peep around the corner to find me. So as we approach her 1st birthday (15 days to go) I just wanted to show some last pics from her days as a "baby". Toddlerdom, here we come!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Our first official "Family Vacation" to the Jersey shore was a success! I cannot believe how much work it is to go on vacation with an 11 month old. It was all well-worth it though, as Cami had a great time! She spent time with her beloved Grandmommy and Poppi, got to ride the horses on the merry-go-round, fell in love with a 2 year old boy at the beach, and would not let us drag her out of the freezing cold surf! She is definately a beach-lover. There are a few pics of our time down the shore, and as you can see, Cami enjoyed herself so much she fell asleep like a ton of bricks!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Pierced Ears

So we are just back from our week's vacation at the shore, and I have so many pictures to share regarding that trip--but first things first: we finally pierced Cami's ears! Chris and I have been wanting to do this for many months now, and we finally got the courage to put our daughter through it. The procedure was a rough couple of minutes. Cami didn't even like the woman putting the marker dots on her ears! But, my baby was a trooper, and was calmed by Mommy right after her ears were pierced. She has been great ever since--she doesn't even wince when we clean them and hasn't since the second day. She is so brave, and so strong, and so girly now!!