Friday, July 18, 2008

Not a Baby Anymore

Nothing new to report these days, I am just struck by how grown up she seems to be all of a sudden. I caught her in a moment the other day, watching "Sesame Street" and eating her snack--she drinks from a straw now! It seemed so "little girl" to me--not baby-like. Then I put her in the adorable apple dress donated from our "west coast family" The Burns, and she just looked so darned mature, as she walked, unassisted, all over the house. I love it when I walk into another room, and I hear her little footsteps coming down the hall, and then see her little face peep around the corner to find me. So as we approach her 1st birthday (15 days to go) I just wanted to show some last pics from her days as a "baby". Toddlerdom, here we come!!


Jax said...

Gosh I miss you ladies, everyday!!! She is such a doll-face and I can't believe how big she is getting!!! Love that fabulous dress!!! Aunt Jax is coming to visit soon!!!

Erin Burns said...

Love that smile. She is so cute! Megan and Molly had those same shoes, too. I can't believe how fast this year has gone! What are the plans for party day??