Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sam Woods Vs. Cami

Although I believe my husband has enough nautral golf talent to take on Tiger Woods, we must face facts and realize, that at this point in our lives, that is just not going to happen. HOWEVER both Chris and I believe that since Tiger's daughter and our daughter are only one month apart in age, the stage has been set for the future battle for best female golfer. My husband recently learned that Sam Woods is able to pick up a golf club already at four months of age. Wasting no time Chris had Cami "practicing" at 3 months. Stay posted. Also we are so proud to report that Cami can now roll over all by herself!! As soon as I fugure out how to put video on this blog I will!! You know you are a parent when the littlest things make you proud!!

1 comment:

Erin Burns said...

That is too funny. I thought Matt and Football with Wyatt was bad...

Go Cami! Golf is a great sport - the clothes are cute, you can get a tan while playing, & meet cute rich men all at the same, there are lots of great courses in CALIFORNIA!!