Sunday, June 15, 2008

Funny Face

Although Cami is like Chris in every possible way, she did manage to inherit a few things from me--though of course, they are not my best traits. One thing that she got from me, which is sure to get her into trouble later in life, is her facial expressions. Yes--shocker-- my daughter is able to make very distinct, very dramatic facial expressions. My favorite one is her determined/ annoyed face. She makes this when she really wants something, or she has just had enough of Mommy and Daddy. I know when she is older I will not necessarily enjoy these overly descriptive faces, but as of now, like everything else she does, they are absolutely priceless.

1 comment:

Erin Burns said...

I love her Funny Faces - and yours! Very cute post. I can't believe she is walking!! Little stud. Megan walked at 10 months too - and people always thought she looked too little. But I loved watching her little legs tottle around!