Friday, February 1, 2008

It's Official: She's Advanced

Okay maybe not "advanced" but definately strong-willed and a control freak (I have no idea where she could have gotten these traits from). Maybe it's just cause she is a Leo. Yeah, I'm going with that one!!! Anyway, my 6 month old daughter is feeding herself! Enjoy.


Erin Burns said...

So cute! Go ahead...say it! I think that is ADVANCED! My girls didn't do that until more like 9 months. I loved how she wouldn't give you back the spoon. And her little "smacking" noises are too cute.

Are you trying to show me up posting everyday now?!

Love you! XOXOXOXO

Jax said...

Is it wrong that Mike and I played this clip about 3 times because we were laughing so hard? She is too darn funny!! We want to eat her up!!!