Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Christmas 2007

We didn't take many pictures Christmas morning because Cami had no idea what was going on, but I manged to find a few. She is not quite ready for all of the toys that Santa brought her this year. She's still too little. But she does know how to get all dolled up in a pretty dress. Mom hosted Christmas Eve this year. It's always a special time because I get to see my three cousins, whom I adore, and Cami got to see her Godfather (my cousins' father). Mom even set a place setting for Cami at the dinner table. As the sun set the lumineries on our street just glowed. It was a great holiday!


Erin Burns said...

Looks like you guys had a great holiday. Your mom really knows how to set a table! Love Cami's Christmas dress. I still have Megan's first one in the closet - just can't seem to get rid of it!
Hugs and Kisses - Miss you!!

Katie said...

Cami looks adorable. And I love your street!! It's sooo Wisteria Lane!